Foreclosure Self-Defense for Dummies

Foreclosure Self-Defense For Dummies By Ralph R. Roberts (Author), Lois Maljak (Author), Paul Doroh (Author), Joe Kraynak (Contributor) Save your home, keep your equity, re-establish your credit! If you can’t make your house payments or received a notice of default or foreclosure notice from your lender, you are running out of precious time. If you… Read More »

Foreclosure Investing For Dummies

Foreclosure Investing For Dummies By Ralph R. Roberts, Joe Kraynak Foreclosure Investing for Dummies will teach you how to minimize your risks and maximize your return. Want to buy and sell foreclosure properties? This hands-on guide covers all aspects of investing in foreclosures, from identifying potential properties and assessing value to carefully researching and inspecting… Read More »